Derrière | Stouring in France
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Soyez le 1er à voter!
69, rue des Gravilliers 75003 Paris

I WANT TO EAT, like eating at home Hidden behind a courtyard, Derrière is a box of surprises.

The truth is you will eat well, dishes of traditional spirit a little bit “revisités”. But you will go there to be inside rooms that feel like the rooms of an apartment, decoration of very baroque friends, to play ping-pong between dishes and especially to discover the SECRET ROOM!

Hint: You have to look beyond the mirror… VIDEO SNEAK PEEK... Meet the Chef

The idea for this family apartment-style venue was to be able to entertain friends “at home” every night. The name comes from its location, right at the back of the 404 and Andy Wahloo. Customers would like to choose where they want to sit, whether it’s in the lounge, dining room, bedroom or boudoir.

The décor and furniture are an eclectic mix of styles. The food is French, simple and wholesome, made with the finest quality products.

At Derriere we eat words before to eat the food. You will play around while reading the menu of Derriere, you will learn new definitions and if you're a tiny curious maybe...TAKE A PEEK AT THE MENU

Lunch monday-friday 12pm to 2.30pm Dinner monday-saturday 8.00pm to 11.30pm Dinner sunday 8.00pm to 11pm Brunch sunday from noon till 4.30pm


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