Le Bon Marché | Stouring in France
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Le Bon Marché

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24 Rue de Sèvres, 75007 Paris
Opening time: 
From Monday to Saturday, from 10am to 8pm Until 9pm the thursday and friday night

A must visit

Located in the Vth, Le Bon Marché is the biggest and the more elegant department store in Paris.

Le Bon Marché is selling the most exclusives brands. Aged of 160 years old, the store is doing a lot of exhibitions during the year. Its contemporary spaces such as « Le théâtre de la beauté, l’appartement mode or l’Entretemps are a part of the success of this mythical place in Paris. Either you are a tourist or a Parisian, you will enjoy hanging around the floors and the luxurious brands. The service is very high quality and the location is perfect to discover the old traditional Paris.

La Grande Epicerie

If you are interested in Fine products in Paris, you will marvel at the quality and the quantity of products that you will find in Le Bon Marché at the special floors called La Grande Epicerie, dedicated to food and wine. There is food from every single country in the world, from the french cheeses to american candies, the choice is big. Le Bon Marché is very appreciated by the famous actors and actrices in Paris, you can’t miss it !

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