Pâtisserie Sadaharu Aoki Paris | Stouring in France
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Pâtisserie Sadaharu Aoki Paris

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)
56 Boulevard de Port Royal 75005 Paris
Tue-Sat:10:00-19:00,Sun:10:00-18:00,closed on Monday

Pâtisserie Sadaharu Aoki Paris was opened in 2001 by japanese pastry chef Sadaru Aoki, which is located in the heart of left bank in the Paris.

At Sadaharu Aoki's shop you'll find many classic fench pastries with a distinctly japanese twist.

  • There's the delicate millefeuilles with AZUKI or Mâcha cream fillings or the Sesame, wasabi, Mâcha or Yuku Macarons, in addition to a full rainbow of colours and classic fruit favours.
  • Chef Aoki's trademark is infusing his pastries with finely powdered Mattcha green tea, that give the sweets a distinctive japanese flavour.
  • Beautiful colorful cakes and Macarons lined up in display cases like edible jewels.

This is a perfect place for those who would like to get a taste of these confections.



Portrait de XIAO

Soumis par XIAO le

The pastries taste very good! where else in paris can you find asian influenced flavor macarons? black sesame, wasabi, yuzu, matcha, and genmatcha to name a few. They macarons are different but they are delicious. Combines French techniques and Japanese flavors. It's perfect!!!

Portrait de LI Yicong

Soumis par LI Yicong le

The pastries are beautifully displayed and the Japanese staff are very courteous. The pastries not only look good here but they taste just as good! Where else in paris can you find asian influenced flavor pastry? black sesame, wasabi, yuzu, matcha...not-very-sweet (which means perfect)

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